Register here to join us for our Yaskawa VFD Start-Up Certification and Training Course. This is an all-day training that will cover the Yaskawa Z1000 product line. The Drives Road Show: Z1000 HVAC Authorized Startup Specialist class is designed to provide the training and testing required to become a Yaskawa Z1000 HVAC Startup Specialist.
- Model Number Breakdown
- Drive Sizing and Selection
- Z1000 Drive Startup Programming and Wiring
- Completing a Startup Form
- Auto-Tuning
- I/O
- Serial Communications
- V/f Pattern Adjustment
- Monitoring
- Z1000 Bypass Startup Programming and Wiring
- Chassis Types
- Bypass Components
- Drive and Bypass Fault Codes and Solutions
- Troubleshooting
- Auto Restarts
- DriveWizard® HVAC
Lunch will be provided by Johnson Barrow and CEU credits are available for those interested. Register today as there are only 12 seats available per day. For more information, please contact Alex Noble at 425.445.5935 or