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Come join us for our 3rd event at our new JBU downtown training center! This month's session is focused on noise control in HVAC systems and will be conducted by an acoustical subject matter expert, Russell Hawkins from Vibro Acoustics.
Agenda and Background: Achieving a 'sound' design through an integrated system approach
When it comes to noise generated by mechanical equipment, only the correct application of vibration isolation and noise control products will produce satisfactory results. That’s why picking a product from a catalog leads, all too often, to misapplication – resulting in severe problems that don't go away when the building is turned over to the owner. ASHRAE states that there are three primary causes behind all HVAC noise problems: either noise control was not considered at the design stage, it was the victim of “de-value engineering” post-design, or system components were not integrated properly, despite being considered. Noise sources and paths should be analyzed at project outset and vibration isolation and noise control solutions considered together, addressing both airborne and structural-borne noise. This is the only way to ensure that the intended sound criterion is achieved within a space. During this session, we will focus on:
- Project Specific noise concerns (i.e. equipment noise variations)
- Where do common noise problems occur and why?
- Understanding system effects and how they relate to noise control in a system
- The catalog (component) approach vs the integrated (system level) approach
- Rooftop Unit Noise concerns and methods of Control
- Outdoor Noise Control – Generators, Cooling Towers, Air Cooled Chillers
- Baseline Report Analysis
The Presenter:
This JBU session will be led by guest speaker, Russell Hawkins, Western Regional Manager from Vibro Acoustics. Rusell is a subject matter expert in the area of acoustics and noise control. He holds a Master’s in Acoustics from Pennsylvania State University and a Bachelors of Science in Physics from BYU Idaho. Having worked for multiple noise control manufacturing companies, he is extremely familiar with the issues that can be encountered with mechanical noise and the best methods of controlling them.
- 90 min (approx) lecture followed by 30 min open discsussion and Q&A
- Intended as educational event (NOT a commercialized product dump!)
- CEU's available for those interested (sign in sheet will be available to request certificate)
- Refreshments will be provided immediatly following event from 5pm - ??
Target Audience:
- Mechanical Engineers and HVAC Designers with 0-5 yrs experience OR or anyone interested in an industry update on the world of noise control and what tools are currently available to help you with your acoustically sensitive projects.
Class size is limited to approx. 25 pp to maximize interaction. Please RSVP as these are first-come,first-served events!
Any questions, please contact Anthony Tomasi at or 503-320-9565.
We look forward to hosting you at this and future JBU events!
- JB Oregon Team