Now Representing Loren Cook Fans & Air Moving Equipment! — Johnson Barrow

Now Representing Loren Cook Fans & Air Moving Equipment!

Johnson Barrow is proud to announce a partnership with Loren Cook, for the Washington and Oregon territories.

Since 1941, they’ve been manufacturing quality air-moving products made in the USA. Their engineers take great care to develop robust, reliable products we would be proud to own ourselves.  Each product is put through a rigorous regimen of tests verifying aerodynamic performance, energy consumption, and long term reliability, no corners cut.  All I’s dotted and all T’s crossed so that you purchase, install and operate each COOK product with confidence.

With roughly 250 products in their portfolio, their product development pace is as aggressive as ever to meet the ever-changing needs of the ventilation market.

It’s not just about selling product.  It’s also about adding value.  Cook takes great pride in educating our industry, continually investing and upgrading our ‘best-in-industry’ training facilities.  Not only will Cook trainings be regularly available via Johnson Barrow University locally, but ‘COOK University’ trainings are available to our customers as well, live at the factory.

Please contact your JB sales representative for any inquiries!